
Szaft ‘N Burger 2024, Debrecen: the Hamburger of the Year award was won by Attila Berecz from Püspökladány

Debrecen became the burger capital for the fourth time during the first weekend of September. It’s almost a tradition that on the first “autumn” Saturday, barbecue and burger enthusiasts gather at Lake Békás, where industry experts, including Jancsa Jani on the jury, select the nation’s best burger. Last year, the trophy for the professional cash-prize […]

Szaft ‘N Burger 2024: Debrecen Becomes the Burger Capital of the Country Once Again

Get ready for a day filled with hamburgers, steaks, barbecues, live concerts, craft beers, cooking demonstrations, and performances, all set against the backdrop of the shady trees in the Great Forest Park! On 7 September, Debrecen will once again transform into the burger capital of the country for one full day.