On Monday morning, 3 of January 2011, an elderly woman phoned the police and reported that an unknown man had snatched her handbag from her in the stairway and ran away with it.
He had her keys, personal documents, mobile phone and about 1000 HUF in cash in her handbag. She couldn’t give a description but she noted that the perpetrator was wearing a bright green colour jacket and a hood.
At the same time this incident happened, through the monitors of the surveillance system a policeman who was on duty at the HBMRFK noticed a suspiciously behaving man in front of the Csapó Street shopping center and he asked patrol men to go and check his identity. The patrol men found the person recorded by the cameras in front of the shopping center, checked his identity, searched through his clothes and they found a mobile phone in one of his pockets. It turned out only later that the mobile phone found in the pocket of the 25 year-old man from Nagykallo was the one that had been stolen from the elderly woman. At the interrogation the man admitted that he had snatched the handbag from the woman, took the mobile phone and the money from it then threw the bag to the fountain in Kossuth Street. The police found the handbag at that spot.