Three girls died in West-Balkan in Budapest in the middle of January. The club didn’t have an operating license and instead of the maximum 300 people who could have been let in, there were nearly 3000 there.
There was a panic and the escaping people jammed up at the exit and at the stairs, choking the three girls. To prevent any other such accident, the government and the police took action.
After this tragic event, the party people could see policemen and firefighters in the clubs. of Hungary The authorities now give special attention to checking the places of entertainment in the whole country, therefore in Hajdu-Bihar County, too. They want to check especially whether the evacuation of the place is ensured in case of an emergency.
From now on, permission is required to organize indoor events for more than 300 people and open air events for more than 1000 people. Those places of entertainment that are open now have 90 days to get the new license. With the cooperation of other authorities, the notary will decide if a license can be granted. The future inspection of these places will also be the responsibility of the notary.
Janos Fauszt, vice-notary says that in Debrecen, there aren’t many problematic places of entertainment so the local government will be able to cope with the tasks without any problem.
Those under the age of 14 cannot participate in larger events and young ones between 14 and 18 cannot enter clubs and discos if they are drunk. The security staff is entitled to ask for ID cards. Minors will get a distinguishing armband at the entrance and they will not be able to buy alcohol at the bar.