Involving partner companies and investing 190 million forints in the project, the Faculty of Informatics of the University of Debrecen will be carrying out curriculum development in both Hungarian and English language in the upcoming two years.
According to the plans, the electronic notes and study materials will be available for the students at The professional translation and the digitalization of the Hungarian-language materials make the improvement of English-language training possible. In addition an ontology related to the study materials is going to be made. Displaying associations between the technical terms, the ontology will allow for easier searchability, thereby improving usability. As a part of the project, the so called Magister framework is going to be developed: it will provide the newest model of teaching software technology and the digital knowledge base of that model. Two companies, ONTOLOGIC Zrt. and PANEM Kiadó Kft. are taking part in the programme as consortium partners.