Autumn Market will be organized in Debrecen in its usual place; from Böszörményi street to Vezér street, from Bólyai street to Thomas Mann street, from Békéssy Béla street to Böszörményi and to Mikszáth Kálmán street, from Akadémia street to Füredi street and to Kertváros street.
The area of the Market will be closed from the traffic from 5th October 17.30 pm to 7th October 2.00 am. During the days of the Market it will be forbidden to stop and wait by cars in the areas of Egyetem blvd, Egyetem square, Füredi street and Dóczy József street. Those vehicles that park there will be carried away.
The police will assist to avoid crimes; public order will be maintained, smooth traffic will be guaranteed, wrong behaviours will be prevented and strained off. Not only liveried policemen will be present at the Market, but also plain-clothes ones.
Police Headquarters of Hajdú-Bihar County