One of the most beautiful cities of Lake Balaton organizes its 6th Music Festival between the 8th and 11th of August. Visiting the concerts is absolutely free! Venue of all the concerts and programs: Fülöp-kert.
8th August Thursday
19:30 Zsolt Benkő Geg-Blues-varieté
20:30 Benkő-Tomor-Móré Trio
(Jimi Hendrix-songs)
9th August Friday
19:30 Oliver Lee Concert
20:30 Meeting Point Band
(Blues and rock from the 1960s and ’70s)
10th August Saturday
19:30 Zsolt Benkő Geg-Blues-varieté
20:30 Borsodi Blue Trio
11th August Sunday
19:30 Zsolt Benkő Geg-Blues-varieté
20:30 Capriccio with Ádám Török and Károly Németh
(Songs of the Mini, Ten Years After and Rhythm and blues)