Szilárd Borbély, noted contemporary poet, writer and literary historian passed away yesterday. At 20.00 pm. Thursday, a candle-lit commemoration takes place in front of the Main Building of the University.
The 50-year-old, Debrecen based writer had received various awards during his career, among which were József Attila Prize and Mészöly Mikós Prize. He was born at Fehérgyarmat, was raised at Jánkmajtis. After his graduation from the University, he continued teaching and conducting researches here. He was also publishing in Hajdú-Bihari Napló and his last novel of 2013, titled “Nincstelenek” became very popular with readers and literary professional as well.
At 20.00 pm. Thursday, a candle-lit commemoration takes place in front of the Main Building of the University.