Keep Your Pets Cool in This Hot Weather


Not only humans, but our pets are in danger too because of the heat wave that hit the country in  July.If the temperature is above 30 Celsius, we should take care of our pets, too. During the hot summer days, it is worth taking longer walks with our pets in the morning hours and late in the afternoon. It is also advisable to avoid the asphalt with them, because it can burn dogs’ paws. We need to know that hot summer days are harder for bigger and darker dogs than to the smaller, light colored ones.

Dogs cannot sweat, which is a serious problem for them, because sheer heat loss is not enough under certain circumstances, so in this case, the animals are looking for a cool place or floor where they can cool down a bit.


The four most important advice of the Orpheus Animal Protection Association to keep dogs cool during the hot summer days:

– in the big summer heat, do not forget to schedule game and bigger walks for early in the morning or late in the afternoon,
– always have a cool place for your pet to escape the sunlight,
– give them their favorite food several times a day along with fresh water,
– do not leave your pet alone in a car as the internal temperature can rise very fast on a hot summer day.

An unconscious animal, lying on the floor, is usually a heat stroke or a sunburn victim. Fast hydration and veterinary emergency can be life-saving in this case.

Owners are responsible for their animals! 

Source and photos: press release

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