Another road has received hard cover in Gerébytelep. Residents of the neighbourhood will be able to travel safer and cleaner in Könyvkötő Street – announced Viktor Papp, Municipal Councillor of the district and László Tasó, Member of Parliament representing the district at their press event held on 24 June 2020.
The whole stretch of Könyvkötő Street (between Hüvelyes and Józsai Streets) received asphalt cover in a length of 296 metres and a width of 3.0 metres. A drainage edge was created on the eastern (right) side of the cover in full length, curbs of 1-metre width were constructed on both sides, and a pavement of concrete slabs was laid down on one side of the new road. As part of the investment, the necessary relocation of utilities and rainwater drainage was also made in connection with the road construction. The cost of the investment was gross 57,015,078 HUF, which was fully financed from municipal resources.