Public Media Raises EUR 513,000 to Help Children With Autism

Europe National

Hungary’s public media has raised a total 185 million forints (EUR 513,000) this year, to be spent on a new centre providing diagnoses and therapies for children with autism, public media foundation MTVA reported.

“The public media is committed to taking a role in society, while it is an honour to be contributing to a new institution that is unique in the country,” MTVA quoted Beatrix Siklósi, the head of public Kossuth Rádió and manager of the annual charity campaign dubbed “Good to be good”, as saying. The new centre is expected to be opened next spring under the auspices of Budapest’s Heim Pál Paediatric Hospital in the city’s 13th district. The charity campaign continues to welcome donations for the Together for Autists Foundation. Dialling 13616 or sending a text message to the same number will add 500 forints to the foundation’s account.


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