Orbán: Third Wave ‘Basically Defeated’


Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in a radio interview on Friday that “we’ve basically defeated the third wave” of the coronavirus, and most remaining restrictions would be lifted once five million people have been vaccinated.

So far 4,898,866 have received a jab and the five million mark “will certainly be reached this weekend”, Orbán told public broadcaster Kossuth Radio. This puts Hungary in Europe’s vanguard, he said. “Hungary is ever safer compared with other countries.” Outstanding restrictions to be lifted include the night-time curfew, the mandatory closing time of restaurants and shops, wearing masks in public spaces, as well as the ban on outdoor individual and team sports. Further, up to 50 people can attend private and family events, while up to 200 people can attend weddings. Hotel and restaurant managers must make sure guests are separated, while up to 500 people can attend outdoor events, including meetings, he said, adding that only people with vaccination certificates can attend music and dance events. Vaccinated 16-18 year-olds can take part in cultural and sports events indoors, he said. Orbán said that, like in Israel and the UK, vaccine take-up in Hungary was beginning to slow down, with a “trickle” of 5,000-10,000 registrations per day.



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