A man was beaten in Debrecen because of an overturned bicycle

Local News

An attempt was made against a man from Debrecen who attacked the victim in a leisure park in Debrecen in defense of his friend for attempting to commit a serious bodily injury.

On April 9, 2021, the victim cycled in a leisure park in Debrecen in the afternoon, where he sat on one of the benches and propped his bicycle to the bench. After a short time, a company of several people arrived there and one of them sat down next to the accused, causing the bicycle to collapse. He made this the victim’s word, and the man, therefore, apologized to him and went back to his companions.

At the defendant’s urging, his friend told him of the events in which the accused became enraged, went to the victim, there was a hassle between them, and then the accused hit the victim with his fist around his eyes.

The victim tried to keep the accused away from him, but I repeatedly hit his face. Meanwhile, they both fell to the ground, then the accused sat on the victim’s belly and in this way hit him several times with his fist on his chest and neck. Subsequently, further abuse of the victim was prevented by the accused’s friends.

The act resulted in injuries to the victim throughout the body that healed within eight days of abrasion and bruising, however, depending on the victim’s body and the manner of abuse, the accused intended to cause the injury to heal beyond eight days.

The Debrecen District Prosecutor’s Office brought charges against the accused for attempting to commit a serious bodily injury in the Debrecen District Court. In the indictment for the execution of the sentence, the district prosecutor’s office proposed that the district court impose a suspended prison sentence on the basis of the contents of the documents without holding a trial.



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