According to a survey, Ukrainians consider Hungary to be the most hostile of the EU


The Ukrainians considered only China, Russia, and Belarus to be more hostile than Hungary, according to the Szabad Európa page.

Among the EU countries, Poland is the friendliest, Hungary is the most hostile country according to the Ukrainians.

According to a representative telephone poll conducted by Rating in Ukraine on March 18, 12 percent of those surveyed see it as explicitly hostile, and less than half, 45 percent, said Hungarians were friendly.

In Hungary, only China, Russia, and Belarus were considered more hostile by the Ukrainians, but the latter two were very hostile.

The Ukrainians considered only China, Russia, and Belarus to be more hostile than Hungary.

The order of friendship looks like the Poles are followed by Lithuania, followed by the United Kingdom, and the United States.

In the same survey, 93% of Ukrainians believe that Ukraine will be able to repel the Russian attack. 44 percent are in favor of joining NATO, but 42 percent say they should not join but should continue to work with the North Atlantic Defense Alliance.


Szabad Európa

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