A train and a car collided between Szászberek and Jászalsószentgyörgy, at the 54th kilometer of road no. 32 – the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Police Headquarters reported.
One person was seriously injured in the accident. By the time of the scene investigation, the police had ordered a complete roadblock. The site could be avoided in the direction of Jászladány, they said.
Mávinform wrote on their website that near Szászberek a car collided with a train from Szolnok to Vámosgyörk at about 2:15 p.m. As a result of the collision, one of the axles of the Bz motor train derailed, but none of the passengers were injured.
At the time of the accident, the lights and half barriers were working properly, they added.
The train service between Újszász and Jászladány is expected to be suspended until late in the evening, so a replacement bus will take the passengers; delays are to be expected on the Szolnok-Újszász-Vámosgyörk line.