During the morning hours, the precipitation may stop in the southeastern part of the country.
The sky will be cloudy in most parts of the country, there may be cloudier areas in the northwest. In Transdanubia, the north-west wind is still lively and strong, in Tiszántúl the northeast wind may be accompanied by strong gusts.
The sunny, cloudy weather will continue during the afternoon. In some places, insignificant showers may occur. In Transdanubia, the north-west wind will continue to be strong and sometimes stormy, while the north and north-east winds will be typical in the eastern regions. Pleasantly warm weather is expected, the highest temperature can be around 24 and 28 °C.
During the night, more clouds may arrive over the western border areas, and small rain and showers may also develop. Elsewhere, mostly clear, slightly cloudy weather is expected. The north-west wind moderates. In the morning, the minimum temperature may drop to around 12 and 18 °C.