LMP Proposes Large-Scale Building Insulation Upgrades


Opposition LMP has proposed a large-scale insulation upgrade of buildings with a view to reducing energy consumption.


Máté Kanász-Nagy, the co-leader of the green party, told a press conference on Monday that the insulation of some 100,000 homes per year could help reduce the energy consumption of households, which he said “would mean a real utility cost cut measure”. The programme could also help create several tens of thousands of “crisis resistant jobs” in the SME sector, he said. If implemented, LMP’s insulation programme could serve climate protection goals as well, Kanász-Nagy said, arguing that the upgrade of around 600,000 homes in the next five years could prevent the emission of 400,000 tonnes of carbon-dioxide. “It means that the country could spare the use of one-fifth, or 2 billion cubic metres, of its current natural gas needs,” he said.





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