Strategic partnership in enrollment at the University of Debrecen


The University of Debrecen has signed support contracts with nine secondary schools. The institutions in Hajdú-Bihar and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg achieved outstanding results in DE’s latest enrollment rankings, compiled by the institution on the basis of 2022 enrollment statistics. The leaders of the educational institutions received a certificate of recognition at the signing of the agreements on Wednesday.

In terms of enrollment efficiency, the University of Debrecen ranks the educational institutions operating in the region from which the most first-year students arrived after the 2022 admission procedure. The work of these schools was recognized by the University of Debrecen at a ceremony held in the Main Building on Wednesday.

Elek Bartha, the vice chancellor for education at the University of Debrecen, emphasized that the role of the schools in the counties of Debrecen, Hajdú-Bihar, and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg in enrollment is unquestionable, and the work of the institutions has a serious impact on the admission results of the University of Debrecen.

There is mutual trust between the University of Debrecen and public education institutions. Schools supply students, and DE is decisive in teacher training and supply. The university is among the best in the country in terms of admitted students, and these schools play an important role in this. At the faculty level, in certain specialized areas, the relationship with schools has been working well for a long time, but this is a new, unique form of support, through which cooperation that also helps enrollment can be realized at the institutional level

– said the vice-chancellor.

Zoltán Bács, the chancellor of the University of Debrecen, spoke in his welcome speech about how the change of model made it possible for the management of the university and the sustaining Count Tisza István Foundation for the University of Debrecen to develop a complex support and incentive system.

After the model change, the university continued the traditions and tools of its legal predecessor but also introduced many innovations. In a year and a half, the management of the university and the board of trustees of the foundation created a comprehensive cooperation, support and scholarship system that helps not only the students but also the educational institutions that bring them to the university. Thanks to this, the number of students is also increasing. The goal is for as many young people as possible to stay in Debrecen and the region. The University of Debrecen tries to offer them courses that make them prefer to continue their studies here, explained the chancellor. Zoltán Bács noted that, in addition to the current price levels, even the self-financed courses of the University of Debrecen compete with the state-funded places in the capital, the chancellor pointed out.

Annamária Pósánné Rácz, the general director of education at the University of Debrecen, said that the rankings, prepared for the second year now, clearly show which secondary education institutions play a leading role in the admissions process.

During the ranking process, we compared the number of students admitted from one institution and the number of those with language exams to the number of those graduating from the given school, and we also took the average admission score as a basis, and the average of these three indicators formed the place of a school in the order. Based on the comparison of the ranking of the last two years, it was possible to determine the range of schools that were leaders in enrollment or showed considerable progress. For many years, the university has been professionally supporting secondary schools in their career guidance and talent management work, and in the future, in the spirit of partnership, it expects the schools to support the effective preparation of students, their participation in competitions, and help them choose an appropriate further education direction and career path. For the University of Debrecen, it is an important aspect that talented students study at the institution, but the support system also has great benefits for young people, as from 2024 the university will give additional admission points for the results achieved in academic competitions, and also based on the results of high school competitions, in case of successful admission newly admitted students can win a scholarship from the very beginning of their studies, from September 2023, the director general said.

At the celebratory event, the leaders of the outstandingly performing institutions received certificates of recognition and signed the support contract with the University of Debrecen, according to which the purpose of the support is that the schools’ talent development and career guidance activities prior to enrollment in higher education, keeping in mind the current needs, interests and competencies of the students, also take into account the economic development and labor market needs of the city and the region, they can be planned and implemented, and the teachers of the schools can help the students to choose the appropriate further education direction and path by developing realistic self-knowledge and outlook on life.

Supported institutions:

Debreceni Egyetem Kossuth Lajos Gyakorló Gimnáziuma és Általános Iskolája
Tóth Árpád Gimnázium
Debreceni Fazekas Mihály Gimnázium
Debreceni Református Kollégium Gimnáziuma és Diákotthona
Szent Imre Katolikus Gimnázium, Két Tanítási Nyelvű Általános Iskola, Kollégium, Óvoda és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola (Nyíregyháza)
Várday Kata Református Általános Iskola, Gimnázium és Kollégium (Kisvárda)
Mátészalkai Esze Tamás Gimnázium
Debreceni Csokonai Vitéz Mihály Gimnázium
Nyíregyházi Vasváry Pál Gimnázium

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