High-quality chamber music in the Liszt Hall at the University of Debrecen


A trio of students from the Faculty of Music of the University of Debrecen received a level award in the traditional XIX. National Ernő Dohnányi Chamber Music Meeting and Competition. The goal of the organizer the Faculty of Music of the University of Debrecen was once again to promote contemporary chamber music works.
On April 14th and 15th, the Chamber Music Cabinet of the Faculty of Music of the University of Debrecen and the Conservatory Foundation organized their traditional competition and meeting for full-time students studying in music higher education.

In the competition, with the exception of chamber music formations composed of the same instruments, string instruments (duo, trio, quartet, quintet), woodwind players (trio, quartet, quintet), groups of any string and woodwind instruments, and piano chamber music groups (string-piano, woodwind-piano, or string-woodwind-piano) could participate.

This is a real celebration of chamber music, we are very grateful that many people applied for the competition this year as well. The participants always try to get the most out of themselves, which contributed to the fact that colorful and high-quality productions were performed this year as well. The faculty has long traditions of chamber music, and the competition and meeting that nurtures these traditions is an excellent opportunity for the instrumentalists and the audience to communicate with each other through music. This time too, the students conveyed very valuable messages

– summed up Péter Lakatos, dean of the Faculty of Music.

This year’s, XIX. At the National Dohnányi Ernő Chamber Music Meeting and Competition, the talents of the Faculty of Music of the University of Debrecen featured prominently. The trio of Dorina Kokics (clarinet), Tamás Halasi-Czalbert (bassoon), and Cecília Balázs-Szentai (piano) received a level award in recognition of their remarkable performance.

The organizers specifically advocated the performance of contemporary Hungarian works, as well as the performance of chamber music by Ernő Dohnányi and Leó Weiner, so the competitors of the higher education institutions prepared their competition programs accordingly. In addition to the Faculty of Music of the University of Debrecen, students from the Liszt Ferenc University of Music, the István University of Széchenyi Faculty of Humanities, the Béla Bartók Faculty of Music of the University of Miskolc, and the Béla Bartók Faculty of Music of the University of Szeged took to the stage at the two-day chamber music competition, where students from each institution prepared non-competition programs.

The competition productions were evaluated by a jury of renowned Hungarian artists, including Ferenc Liszt Prize-winning conductor Géza Török, Liszt Prize-winning pianist Balázs Fülei, and Liszt Prize-winning violinist Zsolt Kalló. The best-performing young chamber musicians received level prizes and cash prizes.

The complete list of results of the competition here:

XIX National Ernő Dohnányi Chamber Music Meeting and Competition

Level fee:
Karl Goepfart: Trio for clarinet, bassoon and piano Op.75. – II-III. item
Dorina Kokics – clarinet
Tamás Halasi-Czalbert – bassoon
Cecília Balázs-Szentai – piano

Faculty of Music, University of Debrecen


Darius Milhaud: Suite pour violon, clarinet et piano – I., III., IV. item
András Sterner – clarinet
Klára Kecskés Aranka – violin
Emese Szilágyi – piano

Alexander Arutiunian: Suite for Trio – I., III., IV. item
Zsófia Németh – clarinet
Zita Borbála Vásárhelyi – violin
Naomi Zsuzsanna Hites-Scheller – piano

István Széchenyi University Faculty of Humanities

Ludwig van Beethoven: cello-piano sonata in G minor Op.5. No. 2.
Zsolt Balogh – gordonka
Eszter Gál – piano

Béla Bartók Faculty of Music, University of Miskolc

Aram Khachaturian: Trio for clarinet, violin and piano – I-III. item
Dalma Anna Késics – clarinet
Irén Katalin Benkő – violin
Dániel Nagy – piano

Béla Bartók Faculty of Humanities, University of Szeged


Priority level fee:

Dmitri Shostakovich: Piano Quintet in G minor Op.57. – I-III. item
András Vavrinecz – violin
D. Ágoston Nagy – violin
Dorina Anna Molnár – bass violin
Hagiwara Izumi – a girl
Áron Lescsinszky – piano

Ludwig van Beethoven: “Harp” String Quartet Op.74 in E flat major. – I-II. item
András Vavrinecz – violin
D. Ágoston Nagy – violin
Dorina Anna Molnár – bass violin
Hagiwara Izumi – a girl

Claude Debussy: Violin-Piano Sonata in G minor L.140 – I. movement
Béla Bartók: 1. Rapsódia Bb 94b – Slow, Fresh
Sebestyén Sztathatos – violin
Ádám Szokolay – piano

Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music

Francis Poulenc: Trio for oboe, bassoon and piano FP 43 – I-III. item
Lotti Szalay – oboe
Petra Stankowsky – bassoon
Regina Schindler – piano

István Széchenyi University Faculty of Humanities

Béla Bartók: Contrasts
Mónika Tóth – clarinet
Enikő Liptai – violin
Gábor Szalai – piano

Ernő Dohnányi: Piano Quintet Op.1. No 1. – I-IV item
Árpád László – violin
Enikő Liptai – violin
Katalin Irén Benkő – bass violin
Konstantina Kalogeropoulou – Gordonka
Gábor Szalai – piano

Béla Bartók Faculty of Humanities, University of Szeged

Tobacco fee:

Ernő Dohnányi: Piano Quintet Op.1. No 1. – I-IV item
Árpád László – violin
Enikő Liptai – violin
Katalin Irén Benkő – bass violin
Konstantina Kalogeropoulou – Gordonka
Gábor Szalai – piano

Béla Bartók Faculty of Humanities, University of Szeged

Rector’s special award:

Ludwig van Beethoven: “Harp” String Quartet Op.74 in E flat major. – I-II. item
András Vavrinecz – violin
D. Ágoston Nagy – violin
Dorina Anna Molnár – bass violin
Hagiwara Izumi – a girl

Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music

Béla Bartók: Contrasts
Mónika Tóth – clarinet
Enikő Liptai – violin
Gábor Szalai – piano

Béla Bartók Faculty of Humanities, University of Szeged



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220 000 Ft

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