Fifty Hungarian and sixty-seven foreign doctors were ordained at the University of Debrecen


Newly graduated doctors received their diplomas on Friday at the University of Debrecen at the Faculty of Medicine’s festive council meeting. After the oath-taking, one hundred and seventeen Hungarian and foreign doctors of medicine were inaugurated, writes

The University of Debrecen has always been characterized by stability and unbroken development, it has always been open to new ideas, but at the same time we have preserved the values of medical education and are now ready to continue to develop despite the changing external circumstances

– emphasized László Mátyus in his celebratory speech.

The dean of the Faculty of Medicine emphasized: the graduates can be proud of the fact that they obtained their knowledge and medical degree at one of the largest and most prestigious universities and medical schools in the country, which also holds its own in European comparisons.

László Mátyus said: the medical doctors who have just graduated have the modern knowledge that enables them to meet the high expectations placed on doctors, and they have also proven that, in addition to their professional preparation, they are also worthy of the medical profession based on their human nature. At the same time, he added that meeting the expectations is not easy and requires continuous learning and self-training.

After the ceremonial speech, the graduates of the Faculty of Medicine took their oath.

Fifty Hungarian and sixty-seven foreign doctors of general medicine were inaugurated at the ceremony.

You will now have a duty to protect the authority of your profession, which you have earned through your scientific endeavors, as well as to effectively promote the growth and prosperity of your specialty and the University of Debrecen, whose ranks of medical doctors we have inducted you into, and thereby effectively promote the good of our country. In the difficult moments of their life and professional work, they should remember the oath they just took as a doctor of medicine

– said József Tőzsér, vice chancellor for sector development in charge of life sciences.

At the ceremony, twelve graduates received DETEP diplomas in recognition of their work in the university’s Talent Development Program (Salameh Ehsan Salameh Beqain, Azzaya Dorj, Jessica Ruth Dsouza, Simran Fazal Hussain, Péter Kondor, Vaishnavee Umesh Kore, Judit Korponai, Kuna Tamás, Chido Susan Marimira, Dorottya Rácz, Sankara Narayanan Srinivasan, Eszter Toldi). The Outstanding Student of the University of Debrecen award was awarded to Áron Péter Tóth for his excellent academic results.

At the festive council meeting, three newly inaugurated doctors of medicine received the DEHÖK Presidential Certificate of Recognition for their professional and public activities at the university (Zoltán Pálóczi, Salameh Ehsan Salameh Beqain, Margrét Petrína Hallsdóttir).

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