According to the plans, the treatment ordered by the municipality will take place on July 17 and 18, 2023, during the twilight hours. In case of rainy and windy weather, thinning is expected on July 19 and 20, at the same time.
Deltasect Plus 1.2 ULV mosquito repellent is used for aerial control. In the small amount applied (0.6 liters/hectare), the preparation only kills the more sensitive insects, it is not dangerous for warm-blooded animals and humans, and its active ingredient breaks down in a few hours. At the time of the process, it is recommended to collect or cover children’s toys, food, cutlery, and clothes dried outdoors, as well as keep windows and doors closed and turn off artificial ventilation equipment that brings in outside air for the duration of the treatment and for one hour after. It is recommended to wash vegetables and fruits grown in the treated area before consumption or processing.
The affected areas are: Kismacs, Nagymacs, Ondód, the northern part of the Nagysándor settlement, Biczó István garden, Füredi út – Nyíl utca – Rakovszky Dániel utca – Hajnal utca – Wesselényi utca – Erzsébet utca – Nyugati utca – Pesti utca – Böszörményi area surrounded by a street. Also Ungvárikert, Nagycsere, Haláp, Husztikert, Júliatelep, Gáspár György-kert, Szepes, the northern part of András-kert András Bayk, Mészáros Gergely-kert, the southern part of Lencztelep, Bellegelőkert, Apafa, Szikigyakor, Pallag, Dombostanya and Bánk.
The local government also counts on the cooperation of citizens, as the number of breeding sites in gardens can be reduced by the population. The most effective means of protection against insects is the covering of rainwater collection barrels and garden pools, as well as the maintenance of gardens, regular mowing and mowing. These should be used to increase efficiency.
(Debrecen City Hall)