A supplier forum will be organized in Debrecen on 16th November to strengthen market relations and cooperation between companies operating in the city, it was announced at a press conference on Thursday. At the press conference announcing the event, we asked Zoltán Pécskay, the executive director of the EDC Debrecen City and Economic Development Center, about the economic effects of the multinational companies coming to Debrecen.
How effective were the training courses used by SMEs?
We usually assess this at the end of the year, now we will send the questionnaire to the companies. The topic specificity was noticeable, for example the LEAN thematic trainings were very popular, while the HR thematic trainings were somewhat less interesting. We try to map which courses companies are most interested in, our main goal is to provide them with training that can actually increase their competitiveness and efficiency.
What about numbers? Has there been any feedback on the increase in efficiency?
We don’t have exact data yet, but we monitor the companies on an annual basis, and over time we can prepare an analysis of the economic results achieved by those who took part in our training.
As a result of the multinational companies coming to Debrecen, in which sectors will the number of small and medium-sized companies increase, and where may it decrease?
It is important that economic growth opens up supplier opportunities, and additional demand arises, citing a few examples of catering, guarding, maintenance, park maintenance, etc. It is difficult to single out sectors because there is an overlap in the case of companies operating in different market areas. There is also a kind of multiplier effect of large companies coming to Debrecen, I mean that employment will increase, wages will rise, and there will be a larger local market for people living here with higher incomes.
N. Nagy Sándor