April Fools’ Day, also known as All Fools’ Day, is an informal holiday celebrated every year on April 1.
The origin of April Fools’ Day is uncertain, there are many theories. One of them is the following: in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII ordered a new calendar (the Gregorian Calendar) to replace the old Julian Calendar. The new calendar called for New Year’s Day to be celebrated January 1. That year, France adopted the reformed calendar and shifted New Year’s Day to January 1. According to a popular explanation, many people either refused to accept the new date, or did not learn about it, and continued to celebrate New Year’s Day on April 1. Other people began to make fun of these traditionalists, sending them on “fool’s errands” or trying to trick them into believing something false. Eventually, the practice spread throughout Europe.
5 simple pranks:
Paint a bar of soap with clear nail polish to prevent it from lathering.
Stuff doughnuts with mayonnaise.
Or swap it for vanilla pudding.
Cover onions in caramel.
Make “brownies” for a friend.