György Moldova, a Kossuth Prize-winning writer, had died at the age of 89, his daughter Júlia Moldova told MTI on Saturday.
György Moldova died on Saturday at home surrounded by his family. “We will keep his pure and fearless spirit. His writings, his faith, his faithfulness to principle will remain with us and with all of us who read him,” says the statement. György Moldova was born on March 12th, 1934 in Budapest. He graduated at Szent László High School and then went to the playwrights department of the College of Theater and Film Arts. He did not receive his diploma until 1986: after his state exams in 1957, he wrote a drama about the Rajk trial as a diploma thesis, which he read to his class teacher, Gyula Háy. However, Háy was arrested for his role in the 1956 revolution, and the new class teacher insisted that Moldova change the subject. He refused to do so, leaving the college to work as a miner, after which he tried even more manual labor, was a gardener, a cannery worker and a correctional educator, so he got to know life from a “bottom view” as well. He was just a boiler mechanic when he was sent to work at the film factory, where his friends persuaded him to write a screenplay. More than a million people saw Szerelemcsütörtök, and Moldova was a freelance playwright from 1964.
His first book was published in 1963 and immediately made it an audience favorite. He then poured the books, from the mid-sixties he worked for the radio cabinet, in the mid-eighties he worked for the newspaper Ludas Matyi and the daily Magyar Nemzet. He was an extremely prolific writer, published more than half a hundred fiction, more than thirty report books, sold more than ten million books, and presented several plays. The favorite subject of his early narratives was the world of the suburbs, and in his later novels his moral judgment is uttered by heroes heated by moral fervor. He also covered historical topics. In his satires and volumes of aphorisms, he whipped up social weavers and the depravity of public life.
Perhaps his greatest success was in his report novels and writings of a sociographic nature. For these, he collected the material through hard investigative work, sometimes spending months in the area.
He received the József Attila Prize in 1973 and 1978, in 1983 he received the Kossuth Prize, later he received the Prima Primissima Prize, the SZOT Prize, the Nagy Lajos Prize, the Maecenas Prize, the Karinthy Ring, the MSZOS Prize and the Golden Whistle for the Honorary Railroad.