First love, adolescent intimacy, was chosen as the theme of III. Theater pedagogy and theater education conference in Csokonai.
The professionals of the Csokonai Theater recommend participation to educators, professionals dealing with children and young people, parents, professionals working in helping professions, professionals dealing with self-knowledge and mental health, drama teachers, and adults interested in the topic. At the conference, through round table discussions, workshops, and participatory theater performances, I would like to jointly examine and discuss issues related to first love, sensitivity to the topic of intimacy, and sexual education.
Participation in the conference is free. A limited number of participants can be accommodated at the participatory theater performance and at the workshops, so these programs are subject to prior registration. It is not necessary to register for the round table discussions.
Date of the conference:
May 18-20, 2023
The location of the conference:
Csokonai Forum – Orpheum and Ballet Hall
Photo: excerpt from the lecture Trigonometry/András Máthé