The EU explained Part III – Internal Market


Why do we acutally need a common, internal market? The European internal market, with 500 million consumers and 20 million SMEs, ensures individuals the right to earn a living, study or retire in another EU country and the companies to trade among each other.It also offers consumers a wider choice of items to buy at competitive prices, allows them to enjoy greater protection when shopping at home, abroad or online and makes it easier and cheaper for companies large and small to do business across borders and to compete globally. It is much easier for European countries to trade amoung each other, if there are no taxes and the same regulations apply to every member state (for example in the field of costumer’s rights.) The single market exists for the benefit of the EU’s 500 million consumers, who have the right to buy goods and services from any merchant (under the same conditions and contractual obligations everywhere). The more they can make informed choices, the greater the impact on strengthening the single market and on stimulating competition, innovation and growth.

At the same time, decision makers have to make efforts to improve the way the European single market works. Looking forward, the European single market needs to be further developed in order to exploit its untapped potential as an engine for growth.


Europe Direct Information Centre of Hajdú-Bihar

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