Factory gate prices in Hungary increased by an annual 14.4% in August, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) said on Thursday.
KSH said the increase was driven by dearer raw materials, base materials and vehicle fuel, as well as by the forint-euro exchange rate. Prices for domestic sale increased by 18.5% and export prices rose by 14.4%. Factory gate prices in vehicle manufacturing edged up by 2.1% and increased by 2.7% in the computer, electronics and optical equipment segment. Factory gate prices for chemicals jumped 39.7% and rose by 26.9% for metal products. In a month-on-month comparison, factory gate prices edged up 0.4% as prices for domestic sale increased by 1.1% and export prices were unchanged. For the period January-August, industrial producer prices increased by 10.8% year on year, with prices for domestic sale rising by 11.9% and export prices climbing by 10.2%.