From May 1, DIGI will raise its subscription fees by 14.9 percent


Starting May 1, DIGI Távközlési és Szolgáltató Kft. will increase the monthly fees for program distribution, wired Internet and wired voice services by 14.9 percent, the company announced on its website.

Vodafone’s services are going up by 15.4 percent

The new tariffs will enter into force on May 1, 2024, so thanks to the amount of the fee correction and the delayed correction, DIGI’s prices will change the least among the largest market service providers in 2024 – the service provider claimed.

DIGI will increase not only the subscription fees but also the monthly fee discounts available to customers, which will also increase by 14.9 percent from May 1, they wrote.

According to their information, to reduce the burden on subscribers, the company applies a 2.7 percentage point more favorable price adjustment to the monthly fees for program distribution, wired internet and wired audio services, for residential and business customers, compared to the 17.6 percent consumer price index published by the Central Statistical Office (KSH). both.

The price adjustment affects all DIGI satellite TV and wired internet, telephone and TV services, and also applies to the alwaysTV Premium digital terrestrial television service. The prices of the DIGIMobil and DIGINet Aktív 50 price packages, which have been changed from March 1, 2024, are not affected by the price adjustment just announced.

Subscribers affected by the price change will be continuously informed by DIGI electronically and in the attachment of the invoice from February 1. The service provider continues to offer discounts to customers who switch to electronic invoicing and to customers who accept a loyalty period.

DIGI serves more than 1.1 million subscribers nationwide and has more than 2.5 million subscriptions (RGUs). DIGI Hungary is a member of the Hungarian infocommunication company group, the 4iG Group.


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