From March 1, 2024, OTP Bank will implement a single-digit price change for digital, and electronic transfers and a differentiated price change for other fees for its retail customers, the majority of customers with average banking habits will see a single-digit increase compared to the bank fees they paid the previous year.
According to the financial institution’s announcement sent to MTI on Thursday, special attention is paid to young people, so the OTP Junior account will continue to be provided free of charge for those under the age of 24, and electronic transfers will also remain free of charge for young customers up to HUF 100,000 per month.
In the case of online transfers, all customers will continue to be exempt from promotional fees for transfers under HUF 20,000 up to a total of HUF 500,000 per month, for which customers only need to apply for the appropriate discount element.
OTP Bank is extending its Exchange Rate+ discount package by one year, which is used to bill customers at the middle exchange rate for bank card purchases.
From February 9, 2024, the new fees can be found on the relevant product pages of the credit institution in the announcements or on the conditions subpage, OTP Bank informed.