Dark Ages Reloaded by Igor H. Stone


About the book

“They made order from chaos and united the warring hoards into a kingdom. They formed laws and common tongue, introduced religion, and stopped plagues. They helped peasants farm, leading to greater yields, and every king was assigned a councillor. Blacklisted the commonly known facts–” “How could they do all this when there were so few of them?” the King interrupted. “They were in possession of a higher knowledge, as they are now…” “I cannot see the reason for the councillor’s actions, and that worries me greatly. Why would they help if it does not benefit them or their country? In two thousand years, they have never tried to conquer any of the kingdoms. They asked for nothing in return for their services. Of course, they are wealthy men, but they are not motivated by wealth, so what is it? If they possess such great knowledge, why do they have to keep Atlantis a secret? What do they want from us?”

About the Author

Igor H. Stone was originally a television director. He makes TV documentaries and other programs for television. Igor is currently living in Budapest, and Dark Ages Reloaded is the first part of his Dark Ages trilogy.
Dark Ages Reloaded by Igor H. Stone is published by Austin Macauley Publishers and is available on Austinmacauley.com and Amazon and all good booksellers.

For more information, please visit https://www.austinmacauley.com/



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