The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has released the full programme of its new president, Christa Schweng, for her 2020-2023 term of office. It is now online and is available in all EU languages.
Ms Schweng’s programme offers a bold vision for a stronger and more resilient post-COVID-19 Europe and envisages a powerful contribution from the EESC to Europe’s recovery and participatory democracy.
Under the motto “United for the future of Europe”, it places great emphasis on unity, which will be the key word of her presidency with its call to rebuild the EESC, making it more united and more effective in influencing EU policy-shaping.
It sets forth four priorities which are in line with her idea of a post-pandemic Europe that enables its citizens to thrive and live in an open and value-based society.
The first priority is an economically prosperous Europe, with an emphasis on helping Member States, companies, workers and the general public to survive and rebuild economies. The transition to a more digital and green economy should be linked to social recovery as well.
The second priority is a socially inclusive Europe which makes sure that nobody is left behind during the digital and green transitions. Safeguarding employment and income for all workers is paramount, with particular attention paid to vulnerable groups. The programme states that common EU values are not negotiable under any circumstances. The creation of a European health union is also supported as an important aspect of solidarity.
The third priority – an environmentally sustainable Europe – recognises a greener and digitalised economy as the driving force of the recovery plan for Europe. Yet for this to succeed, business needs to be considered as part of the solution and must be encouraged to take an active part in shaping the transition to a low-carbon, resource-efficient economy.
The fourth priority is making sure that the EESC plays a vital role in the Conference on the Future of Europe, an important initiative which should give Europeans a sense of ownership of their EU by enabling them to debate major EU topics, with the aim of improving the way the EU works. As a committed advocate of participatory democracy, and with members from all parts of civil society active on the ground in all Member States, the EESC has an opportunity to show its added value and act as a facilitator. (ll)