Justice Minister: EU Court Rushing Adjudication of Rule of Law Issue


The European court, at the behest of the European Parliament, is fast-tracking a procedure related to the rule of law issue, Hungary’s justice minister, Judit Varga, said, branding as “absurd” the court’s decision to take only a few months to rule on “one of the most important and complex legal issues” in EU history.


The Court of Justice of the European Union has met an EP request to hear the case under an expedited procedure, Varga said on Facebook on Friday, noting that the court had taken almost three years to rule on a simple procedural issue raised by Hungary concerning the Sargentini vote, yet would take only a few months to consider a case that was far more complex. Varga put this down to “left-liberal politicians in Brussels” who refused to put up with member states that believe in a Europe of sovereign, independent nation states that reject migration. She insisted the procedure under way was “politically motivated” and would “result in a loss of confidence in the whole European cooperation”. The minister said Hungary would not succumb to political blackmail and the government would continue to represent Hungarian interests in Brussels and at the Luxembourg court.



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