Áder to Address COE Parliament Assembly on Wednesday


President János Áder is to address the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly on Wednesday, with environmental protection top of the agenda, the head of the Hungarian delegation to the assembly said in Strasbourg.


The issue of the green transition following the coronavirus pandemic will be among the most important historical challenges faced by Europe and the Middle East, Zsolt Németh, the head of the Hungarian parliament’s foreign affairs committee, told MTI. The CoE’s Committee of Ministers is slated to commission two preparatory studies for a supplementary protocol to the chapters on environmental human rights of the International Covenant on Human Rights, Németh said. The studies are expected to get under way during the six-month Hungarian presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe which began on May 21, he said. Németh said environmental human rights were now coming to the fore after political and social rights. Taking effective measures in the area of environmental protection can significantly improve the quality of life, he said. In Hungary’s case, environmental pollution deriving from rivers flowing from neighbouring countries posed a particular threat, he added.



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