HVG created a list of places where you can find the best lángos in the country. Lángos fans have chosen the best places this year at a national competition called Lángos Voks.According to those who love this traditional Hungarian food, the best lángos in Hungary can be bought in Baja, in Lángos Buffet. While, their favourite place at Lake Balaton – for the fifth time in a row – is at the marketplace of Tihany, called Tihanyi Piac Lángos Sütői.
The lángos buffet at Flórián square in Budapest got the second place, whereas the third place winner is Csini Buffet in Mezőkövesd.
The list of the 499 participants of the competition can be found in the database of www.langosvoks.hu.
Sources: www.hvg.hu / www.dailynewshungary.com / www.langosvoks.hu
Photo: www.pixabay.com