As on 27. February a drug party was held in a Dioszegi street club on the 10th of April. The event was closed to the public, to get in was possible only by an appointment.
The police officers also arrived on scene by an appointment. A citizen asked their intervention.
This time police found traces of drugs (marijuana, derivatives,amphetamines) in the blood often of the 18 young participants.
In the smaller and larger rooms of the club officers seized 6 bottles of "Gina" (gamma-hidroxy-butyl) party drug and unknown white powder packed in white paper bags and aluminum foils.
Experts also seized suspicious materials from the parking vehicles outside the club.
Police produced 4 women and 6 men, all of them 20-35 years old, residents of
Debrecen, Budapest and Hajdunanas.
According to the available information the organizers advertized the event on the internet.
The sized materials have been sent to a laboratory forfurther examinations.
The police asked the Mayor`s office to rewiew the operation licence of the club, because this event was not the only of this kind in these premises.