Debrecen was the guest at this year`s Hungarian Day in New Brunswick. The city (has around 49 000 inhabitants) has a reasonable Hungarian community and even though the distance they still take care of fine hungarian traditions.
New Brunswick has a university complex similar to Debrecen as well as many cultural centers, museums and programmes contributing to a vibrant life.
New Brunswick and Debrecen are celebrating the 20th anniversary of twin-city relations. On that occasions the Debrecen Folk Dance Ensemble, Zoltan Fauszt, Andrea Toth and Gabor Turi visited the city.
Mr Turi /Director of external relation of the University of Debrecen/ took a 50pieces (copperplates) exhibition materials. The collection will be on show in four locations in the coming year.
The folk dancers made a one hour long show mainly presented dances of Tiszantul area. During the week they made close friendship with the local Hungarian groups. The localEletfa band gave joint concert with the
Biro band. The dance ensemble presented its show in Connecticut too.