24% of the graduates of the University of Debrecen could not receive diploma in the abscence of a language exam in 2010.
Nationwide a third of graduates did not receive a diploma this year because they did not have the required language exams.
Laszlo Dux deputy secretary of state of Ministry of National Resources said that the agriculture and arts
institutions have the worst situation, where 50% of students are not able to have their diploma due to
lack of required language exams.
The situation is better at ELTE, Corvinus University, Police Officer Training College. Here only 10% of
students will not receive diploma. Semmelweis University has the best rate with only 3%.
The national average is around 30-40 %.
Here in Debrecen the situation is slightly better than the national average. 24% of the students could not
receive the diploma. We know however that the majority of students complete the necessary exams
in their last year of studies.
The University of Debrecen developed the DExam language exam system to help students to have
English exams during their studies.