Debrecen – September 24, 2010
This afternoon going to be a different though: there are those who will
build their dream bridge using pasta.
“I’m not particularly talented, just passionately curious” – Einsten said,
and these words became the motto of the event. 45 programmes in eight
locations will invite all those who interested. Anyone interested in exploring the space debris at the university, how is a test case going
on at the Faculty of Law; wind tunnel tests etc.
Interesting and demanding entertainment also reflected in the various games in which everyone can participate. The programs are so various and difficult to list but everyone can find something interesting for, which will surely make it passionately curious.
The event was the idea of the European Commission.
The implements are in 28 higher education institutions in 23 cities,
which have been prepared to show what is happening within the walls of
universities, beyond the classroom education. Visitors can travel by
special buses for free between the venues.
The list of programs available at: