Two nightclubs (Club Deep, Stereo Cafe Bar) closed after police officers arrived to the Gambrinusz square on 6 of November.
The police went to the scene because the mayor`s office issued a ban /from September 30/ against clubs which stay open between 22pm and 6am in that area.
The Ikon Hungary Ltd also analized the decision of the local government and turned to the court because they think the local government has no right to limit opening hours.
Zoltan Sarkadi marketing and communication manager of the Deep said that they respected the law and all of the regulations and they do not want to do anything else just to entertain people. He also said that the Club now is a successful and well respected nightclub of Eastern Hungary. They carried out everything to meet regulations and their business and official controls show no problems.
The authorities never issued a fine against the company. They have 50 employees and they want to keep good and peaceful relations with the local residents.
They are not alone with the problem. The other nightclub the Stereo already filled a file against the ban, but the district`s local governmental representative told the civishir that their case was rejected.