Though it’s fairly easy to cure now, hypertonia is still rampant. One in three Hungarian adults suffers from it and this number keeps increasing every year. The problem is that they don’t realize this in time.
Today, medical specialists provide modern, specialized treatment to patients. The latest results were also mentioned at the Hypertonia conference held on Saturday, January 29, at the University of Debrecen.
Sometimes, totally unsuspecting patients are diagnosed to have extremely high blood pressure. Hypertonia is often asymptomatic and regular blood pressure check is necessary to diagnose it. But diagnosis is important because hypertonia can lead to serious complications.
“Hypertonia is dangerous because it damages the cardiovascular system and it can cause various complications, heart attack or stroke which makes things even worse. It can also be connected to illnesses like diabetes or can cause renal insufficiency.” – explains Dr. Istvan Kiss, president of the Hungarian Hypertonia Association to local DTV.
Today, nearly one-third of Hungary’s population suffers from hypertonia and in 50% of the cases the cause of death is cardiovascular disease.
Talks were given about the latest results in hypertonia research and the modern treatment techniques on Saturday at the University of Debrecen. Hypertonia can rarely be cured but it can be treated.
“This problem can be treated easily but, apart from some exceptional cases, we can’t cure it unless an overweight patient loses weight and keeps their normal body weight.” – said Dr. Denes Pall, leader of the Regional Hypertonia Center.
According to doctors, using medication parallel with treatment without medicinal products is the most effective. Examples for the latter are exercise, losing weight and diet with little salt. With these, dangerous complications like stroke, heart attack and sudden cardiac death.