Four Volkswagen Caddys were stolen in the first five months of last year in Debrecen. As a result of the investigation that lasted for nearly one year, a 33 year-old man was arrested on reasonable suspicion of having committed the crimes.
The owners realized it only in the morning that their cars were stolen during the night from in front of their homes. In one of the VW Caddys there was 400.000 HUF’s worth of parts of agricultural machinery. There was an APB on each car and they also contacted the police authorities of other counties. Finally, the detectives found a young man who is suspected on solid grounds of having committed the crimes. During the search made in the suspect’s home, registration certificates and the ignition keys of various types of cars were seized. The proceedings against the man continue and he has been arrested preliminarily. Other suspects in the case are expected to be found.