Last December the local government installed 5 surveillance cameras into the busy areas of the city. Since that time the police have been able to identify and catch thieves and vandals on several occasions.
The new emergency posts can also be useful in crime prevention. The first of these cameras was installed in Kossuth Square on Wednesday afternoon, February 23. The machine was donated to the local government by Pannon Guard security company.
“I think this donation is very important and appreciable since the approaching tourist season will enliven the city which might make it necessary to have these machines for safety reasons.” – said Laszlo Papp deputy mayor.
The machine can be used in any kind of case. If anyone witnesses theft or vandalism or gets lost, they only have to press a button to get professional help. The dispatch can call the police, the trainband, the fire brigade or the ambulance.
For example, if a passer-by notices that someone feels sick on the street, they can report it on this machine or they can also call the ambulance.
Besides the one in Kossuth Square, emergency posts in Petofi Square and Csapo Street will also help the passers-by. If the machines that were installed now prove useful the company will put more of them into service. The local government is not planning to buy emergency posts-they want to improve the surveillance system instead.