On 17 and 18 September (Saturday and Sunday) one end of Dózsa György Street will be closed. It is necessary because of public utility works around the building of the new tram line.
Dózsa György Street will be blocked at its crossing with Füredi Street. Some buses will drive on modified routes: No. 12 and 31 will go through Böszörményi Street – Füredi Street, No. 15, 15Y and 32 through Bethlen street – Egyetem aveune – Füredi street.
Buses will stop at all stops on the modified routes.
During these 2 days cars are allowed to turn left from Bethlen Street to Hunyadi Street.
On Hunyadi Street policemen are doing the traffic management in the busiest hours of the day (in the morning and in the afternoon.
The authorities are asking the drivers to drive with extreme care and attention.