Read about some of the criminal acts committed in or near Debrecen.On 19 October, 2011 at around 12.30 pm. a middle-aged man and woman walked up to an old man of impoverished health who was walking home on Faraktár Street and, pretending to be policemen, they explained to him that he had crossed the road illegally for which he had to pay 20.000 HUF. They accompanied the old man home and asked for water, upon which he let them in his apartment. Exploiting the man’s old age and poor health, they diverted his attention and stole 3 wallets with 60.000 HUF in them. Then, after announcing that they wouldn’t give the old man a fine, they left the flat in a hurry. The couple is suspected to have committed similar criminal acts.
On 12 December, 2011 a young woman stole a wallet that was left behind by a customer in a food store in Debrecen. OTP Bank notified the owner of the wallet that the perpetrator withdrew a total of 41.000 HUF with the stolen card in Füredi Street.The police is looking for her with the help of the pictures that were taken of her at the card machine.