State provides 90 million forints support for the European Swimming Championship – said Attila Czene, former Olympic champion, now Secretary of State for Sport in Budapest. Nory Knutchen, President of the European Association LEN was happy to hear that Hungary applied for the place of resigned Antwerp. He expressed his satisfaction on the fact that after 2006 and 2010 Hungary is hosting the European Championship again, after the Hungarian Swimming Association (MÚSZ) and the local government had signed the contract. They intend to convince Europe that it is worth to cooperate with our country.
Lajos Kósa, Mayor of Debrecen has confirmed that the organization works are in progress and that they wish to co-organize a European Championship with Nagyvárad (RO). All the best Hungarian swimmers are going to attend the championship, even Katinka Hosszú who is currently studying in the USA. László Szakadáti, Chief of the LEN continental association visited the pools and possible accommodations. According to him, the most important task at the moment is to inform concerned countries properly.
Pál Schmitt greeted Nory Kruchten, President of LEN, just like leaders of the organising committee: Lajos Kósa, Mayor of Debrecen, Tamás Gyárfás, President of the Hungarian Swimming Association, Tünde Szabó, Secretary of the same association and Mihály Orendi, Director of Debrecen Sport Center. Just like in 2010, Pát Schmitt is going to fulfil the position of the Patron of the European Championship, which is taking part between 21 and 27 May.