Dangerous Pavements Under Construction

Economy Local News

Local residents say that Pavements are dangerous in Tócóskert and Tócóvölgy. Head of city maintenance department promises that these parts will be repaired, however the annual 25 thousands Forints is not enough for everything.

A part of the pavement yielded in Tócóskert, in front of a kindergarten. By now, children have learned that they have to walk carefully. In Tócóvölgy there are many parts where the pavements are dangerous, the roots of the surrounding trees have destroyed the overlay. Local residents say that they have to watch out for every step.

“We cannot walk with a baby buggy, or a with an invalid carriage. Not to mention the winter period, we will not be able to sweep the pavements because of the danger of slipping” – complained Sándorné Bakó, local resident.

The hole in front of the kindergarten will be repaired soon; there is a guarantee for it, since it is an after channelling damage, the insurance company will pay. The local government gives 25 million Forints for the service of pavements, although this amount of money will be enough only for construction of the extremely dangerous parts.

“If there will be more money, we could use more to the reparations. From this amount, we could fix the dangerous parts of pavements, because those are primarily important; those that are less dangerous have to wait” – said Zsombor Gábor, head of city maintenance department.

According to the surveys, multiples of the current amount of money would be needed to renew all the pavements of Debrecen. Annually, 10-15 residents claim indemnity because of the accidents happened on broken pavements from the local government; in 2-3 cases the residents are recompensate.


Source: dehir.hu

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