We are happy to invite you to the live show of TEDGlobal 2013 from Edinburgh, Scotland!
This program is free for You! During the breaks you can have interesting small talks with the other participants, because we know that every participant of TED events has an exciting story. We are open to Yours!
Arrive and leave any time, it’s up to you! Please join to this event to be reminded by Facebook, and also for us would be great to see the estimated number of participants.
Thanks for the live share, every presentation will be in English! Few people from that day:
9:45 – 11:15: Money Talks
A risk economist, a gentlemen thief and a social investment visionary can make a memorable opening session.
12:00 – 13:45: Listening to Nature
What is the common in the natural sound legend, the neuroscientist and the jazz pianist? We don’t know but excited to find out during this session!
15:15 – 17:00: World on Its Head
From the speakers’ list: an architect and urbanist, an explorer and filmmaker, an performance artist, and an ‘accidental theologist’.
18:00 – 19:45: Regeneration
The regenerative scientist, the spinal cord researcher and the photographer walk into a bar. No, this is not a joke, but looks like an intresting session!
The most detailed program:
Inspirative talks, beanbags, curious chats, nice audience, pleasant mood. That’s the TEDGlobal 2013 live from Debrecen!