Warm but changeable weather is forecast for the upcoming week; thunderstorms are expected.
On Monday, the weather will be cloudy. In some regions of the country thunderstorms are expected. The lowest temperature will be between 9-14 Celsius degrees and the highest will be between 19-24 Celsius degrees.
On Tuesday thunderstorms and wind are expected. There will be 9-14 Celsius degrees at night and 20-25 Celsius degrees during the day.
Wednesday will be sunny. The lowest temperature is about to be 7-13 Celsius degrees, while the highest will be 20-25 Celsius degrees.
On Thursday the weather will be windy but sunny. The lowest temperature will be 7-12 Celsius degrees and the highest will be 20-25.
Friday and Saturday will be sunny, however wind is also expected. There will be 8-13 Celsius degrees at night and 21-27 Celsius degrees during the day.
On Sunday, thunderstorms and showers are expected. The lowest temperature will be 8-13 Celsius degrees and the highest will be between 20-25 Celsius degrees.
Source: debreceninap.hu
Photo: Zsolt Rézműves