The Night of Museums is to be organized on 23 June countrywide.
This year, Eger, Kecskemét, Debrecen and Pécs are going to be the centers of the Night of Museums.
The theme of the event is the connection between family and culture.
Museums are waiting for their visitors with extended opening hours and special programs.
Programs in Debrecen
16.00: Ringató – music workshop for children and adults (inner garden)
17.00: Vilmos Gryllus concert (inner garden)
18.30: András Kepes – presentation on the battles of civilizations (inner graden)
20.00: Péter Janklovics – Stand up (inner garden)
20.30: Talamba concert (Baltazár Tér)
21.00: Attila Tókos and Zoltán Zsuráfszky, jr (2ndfloor)
0.00: Krund ni Ovel – Zsófia Tamara Vadas and Ábrs Gryllus (2ndfloor)
22.30: Pannonia Allstars Ska Orchestra concert (inner garden)
Déri Museum – Déri Tér
16.00: MH 5. Bocskai István Brigade – concert
17.00: Forgórózsa Néptáncegyüttes and Bürkös Zenekar
18.00: Perro Negro Zenekar concert
20.00: Éva Presszó concert
21.00: Midsummer Night’s fire ritual
21.30: Lángoló Csigák fire juggler show
22.00: Szirtes Edina „Mókus” és a Szirtes Quintett concert
Medgyessy Ferenc Museum – Garden
17.00 – 20.00 Debreslam
20.45 – 22.00 Odett
22.40 – 23.25 Árnyéknyúl concert
23.35 – 00.20 Ljubljana concert
For further information: