On the 29th of July at 11:00 am, 150 people received hot meals from Kéretlen Figyelem Debreceni Nők Közéleti Egyesülete and Segíts a rászorulókon Facebook group.At the charity food donation program, 150 people received stuffed cabbage and fresh bread on Petőfi square, Debrecen. Most of them were homeless people, retired or over 50. Unfortunately, many of them arrived with children.
In Debrecen, it is a tradition that Kéretlen Figyelem Debreceni Nők Közéleti Egyesülete and Segíts a rászorulókon Facebook group donate food to people in need on the last Sunday of every month.
Anyone who would like to take part in the charity food donation programs or wants to give some donations, can call the following telephone number between Monday and Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm: 52/ 476 405.
Donations can be sent here:
Kéretlen Figyelem Debreceni Nők Közéleti Egyesülete: Polgári Bank ZRT 612 00261-11059802
Source and photos: www.debreceninap.hu