Llamas seem to have a splendid time here since we welcome healthy offspring every year. Following this year’s first birth in February, yet another black-and white female was born in mid-April.
The little one is in good health, with an excellent appetite, and, while still resting and sunbathing a lot in the sand, she enjoys playing around in the enclosure. With her arrival, we are now home to a llama group of nine that you can now visit any day of the week.
Domesticated from wild guanacos, llamas (Lama glama) are the largest and heaviest South American camelids, originally bred by natives living in the Andes. Today they occur throughout the eastern part of the continent as well as in North America, Europe and Australia, although almost 70 percent of them is still found in Bolivia. They are kept for their meat, milk and wool and are also used as beasts of burden in South America. Given an appropriate environment for growing up, llamas tend to be friendly and curious and, contrary to popular belief, they hardly ever spit on people – this means of communication is mostly reserved for dominance fights with their conspecifics, so you are completely safe to approach our peaceful group.
Like a number of other residents, our youngest lama is yet to be adopted. If you want to make an animal really happy while also offering us tremendous help, please consider becoming a zoo foster parent. Further info at:
Debrecen Zoo and Amusement Park